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                          Welcome to the Site

 This is my very first website designed for viewing purposes for all those who visit! Vitalia Island is the name of my webcomic that is currently in progress. Browse the website to see what it has to offer! Check out the gallery section for some of my drawings and the Comic section. Visit the Contact Me section if you would like to place a comment, request, idea, critique, or anything concerning Vitalia Island!. This is for viewing purposes. Please do not steal or copy my art nor characters. Enjoy.

                    Getting The Basics About Vitalia Island

Vitalia Island is a series about the strange life of anthropomorphic characters living on an island called Vitalia where paranormal and supernatural events occur. Learn about their world, their history, their environment and more.  The comic's genre is slice-of-life, fantasy and supernatural. Check out the Character Page to get a brief summary of the characters. If you are interested and would like to know more, then read the comic. The comic is aimed at 13+

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